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2 min read

Why It's Never Too Late To Achieve Your Goals

Why It's Never Too Late To Achieve Your Goals



You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis

“Starting tomorrow I’m going to…”

We’ve all said that phrase at one point or another, and while it’s seemingly harmless, those “tomorrows” can add up to months, years, or decades.

When this happens, it’s easy to feel discouraged. When you finally feel ready take on the challenge you’ve been pushing off, or have been too afraid to attempt, the inside voice can creep in saying “It’s too late.”

I’ve got news for you: It’s not too late.

If your goal is still attainable, and you have the motivation to go after it, do it.

Sure, it may be uncomfortable, and yes, the timing may not seem as ideal as it would have in the past, but at this point, those are just excuses. Get outside your comfort zone and go after something that excites you.

 Think about these facts for a second:

  • Morgan Freeman was in his 50s when he starred in Driving Miss Daisy.
  • Vera Wang didn’t become a designer until she was 40.
  • Henry Ford was 45 when he created the revolutionary Model T car.
  • Julia Child wrote her first cookbook when she was 50.
  • And Colonel Sanders didn’t create KFC until he was 62 and didn’t start his franchise business until he was 65.

Can you imagine if those people decided to not pursue their dreams? … No KFC!!!!

Whether you’re young or old, if you truly believe in your idea, go after it and do everything you can to make it happen.

If goal setting is on your mind, be sure to check out The Solopreneur Success Cycle, a roadmap to starting, running, and growing a company of one.

Click here to access it!

Actionable Steps

Acknowledge Why You Didn’t Achieve the Goal Previously

There are loads of reasons you may not have started your goal until after you would have liked.

What obstacles did you encounter? Whatever your reason is, acknowledge it, appreciate it, try to see past it, and move forward.

Begin with a Fresh Perspective

Once you’ve acknowledged the cause for the delay, forget about it. It’s water under the bridge. Instead, approach it as though you’re starting with a clean slate. A fresh start can be incredibly motivating.

Learn From Your Mistakes

If you had attempted to achieve this goal in the past and failed, understand why. I can say from experience that you shouldn’t dwell on previous failures. But you darn well better learn from them. What could you have done better? What went wrong?

I’ve started a business and had it fail only to restart it, and by avoiding previous mistakes, been very successful.

Tell Other People About Your Goal

Tell Other People About Your Goal. If you keep your goal to yourself, it will make it easier to postpone it. The more people who know what you’re trying to achieve, the harder it will be for you to back out.

Pump Yourself Up

You’ve taken an “it’s better late than never” approach to working towards your goal, and that should be applauded. Pump yourself up, it’s going to be exciting. Not all fun… but exciting.

Enjoy the Process

If you’re going after a goal later than you had intended, you may feel the need to take shortcuts, to play catchup. You just want to get it done! Try to resist that feeling. Think of what you are doing as “cultivating.” And you can’t cram on a farm.

Remember, You’re Not Alone

There’s comfort in numbers, so remember, if you think you’re starting something late in the game, you weren’t the first to feel that way and you certainly won’t be the last. Go get it!

Food for Thought Have you considered that you’re not getting started late in the game, but instead right on time for what works for you?